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6 Types of Self-Care

Writer's picture: UvolveUvolve

What are they and how do we practice them?

You have probably heard the phrase "Practice Self-Care" a lot recently, especially in the last 2 years.

Life can get very busy, caring for others, looking after kids, juggling work, organising, cleaning, and always feeling on the go.

It’s very easy to forget to stop and focus on YOU! This is what self-care is about, CARING FOR YOURSELF, in all aspects and making yourself a priority. As the saying goes; "You can't pour from an empty cup"

Self-care isn't just about going to the gym, or eating nutritious food, there is so much more to it. So what is it exactly, and why is it so important?

The Six Types Of Self- Care And How You Can Focus On Them:

PSYCHOLOGICAL: "Mental Self-care"

Treating any mental illness you’re struggling with and maintaining your mental health.

The things you fill your mind with greatly influence your psychological well-being.

Practice psychological self-care by seeking help, journaling, reading a self-help book, getting creative, solving a puzzle, aromatherapy, self- reflection and gratitude.

EMOTIONAL: "Emotional freedom"

This is one of the most 'ignored' components of self-care.

There is no need to suppress your emotions, having emotional freedom gives you permission to experience all the feelings you are having!

Crying, anger, and fear are often labelled as 'weakness' as we put on a "brave" face. But hiding these emotions can lead to chronic mental health illness. There is nothing braver then being vulnerable.

Practice emotional self-care by freely expressing your emotions through crying, laughter, hobbies, self-love and connections.

SPIRITUAL: "Soul enlightenment"

Doing the things that set your soul on fire.

Looking after you mind and body is great, but what about your soul? This is about connecting to your authentic self.

Practice spiritual self-care by singing, dancing, yoga, religious service, volunteering, connecting with nature, or meditation.

PHYSICAL: "Well-being of your physical health"

This one has to be the most talked about self-care components.

Improving your physical health well-being, comes in more forms then, sleeping, eating well, exercising and drinking enough water.

Its also bout taking time off when you need it, allowing your body to rest, enjoying social activities, having a good relationship with food and booking physical health check up (eg dentist).

SOCIAL: "Nourishing the important relationships" Social self-care will look different for everyone, as our levels of comfort in social situations differ. But connection is essential to us, humans, by nature, are social beings.

Having a support system of individuals we can trust, and nourishing these relationships can be an example of this self-care.

Nourishing these relationships and making them a priority is an important part of self care. You can do this by scheduling date nights, joining a social group, hanging out with friends or playing with your pets.

PROFESSIONAL: "Professional and personal growth; pursuit of learning "

This can involve figuring out what your current talents/strengths are and developing them further. It can also include learning a new skills, or up leaving your knowledge.

It also involves balancing your professional workload and having a healthy work life balance.

Practice professional self-care by ensuring you have an appropriate work life balance and clean workplace. Learning more about your skills and interests, and deciding which career you are passionate about the most. You may also like to complete a new course, reevaluate your budget or learn a new skill.

What self-care component needs more focus from you?

At different times in your life, you may be favouring one component of self-care and neglecting others which is completely normal. You will know within yourself what area you may need to focus on when it comes to practicing self-care.

If you are someone who struggles with self-care and filling up your own up, pick one of the 6 components to focus on for this week, establish habits around that component and then move on to building on the next.


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